The Intellectual Dimension promotes the acquisition of both secular and spiritual knowledge. For the Sri Sathya Sai Values-based Integral System, apart from academics and research, the activities in this dimension include:

Awareness Courses
These mandatory courses are designed to cultivate a broad view of the human condition in students. The course content (e.g. the Unity of Religions and Faiths, Study of the Indian Epics, etc.) helps trigger self-reflection and enquiry and sensitises students to the concerns of society, and gets them to think about practical solutions to these problems.
Thursday Moral Class
At each campus, Thursday mornings begin with an hour of inspiring and ennobling talks by speakers focusing on their personal spiritual experiences, messages from sacred scriptures and other elevated and socially relevant themes. It is also used to highlight students’ talents in music, dramatics, elocution, debates, quizzes, etc.
In 2019/20, some of the topics included: The Power of Namasmarana, Journey with Sai, Yoga for an effective life, My Beloved Lord, The Power of Intent, Experiences with His Guru & God and Lessons learnt at His Lotus feet.
Prayer Talks
Every morning before classes commence at the college, all students and teachers gather for the morning assembly. Prayers/veda chanting/bhajans and a few minutes of silent sitting are sometimes followed by a talk by students, faculty members or invited guests on topics related to morals and values.
In 2019/20, some of the topics included: Surrender, Procrastination, Forgiveness, Women Empowerment, Live before you Leave, Sai’s Test, Acceptance, Mother, Manava Seva to Madhava Seva, Yoga – Need of the hour, Never give up, Lessons from the Master, The Infinity War, Holy Quran, The true Inner Self, Knowledge is Power, How to overcome fear, Expectations and reality, Experiences with Swami and All they want is our Love.
Public Speaking
Students are also encouraged to come forward and speak in front of the university community on topics ranging from science to metaphysics, thus giving them an appropriate platform to develop their public speaking skills and to refine their thought process.