There are four special annual events that relate to the devotional, cultural, physical and service dimensions of the model of Sri Sathya Sai Values-based Integral education. These marquee events are orchestrated to bring out the latent values and good qualities in students and teachers. A lot of planning and effort goes into each of these events. Students participate in these events in accordance with their individual skills and talents.

An induction programme to all students and teachers of Sri Sathya Sai Institute of Higher Learning with an objective to expose students of the University to the rich cultural and spiritual heritage of Bharat.

Talks by students and functionaries of Bhagawan’s educational institutions during Dasara on topics concerning spirituality and philosophy, Bhagawan Baba’s teachings and experiences of devotees.

A grand ceremony held on 22 November each year at Sai Kulwant Hall, Prasanthi Nilayam in the Divine Presence. The format, planning and execution of the SSSIHL convocation ceremony is second to none.

The event is a culmination of various sports, cultural and fine arts competitions held at all campuses of the University and other Sai educational institutions throughout the academic year.