Find the academic programme that suits you, download all admissiones-related materials and apply online for all undergraduate, postgraduate and professional programmes. Our application guide will help you to successfully complete your application for admission to SSSIHL. If you need further help, visit our FAQs or Contact Admissions pages.

Why Choose SSSIHL?
SSSIHL is one of the few universities in the world that offers values-based integral education. See our Admissions Prospectus for more details.
World-class research facilities, beautiful, large campuses and hostels, and excellent sports and cultural facilities.
With over 95% examinations pass rate, and over 70% of teachers with a Ph.D. qualifications and small classes with a 8:1 student-teacher ratio, we offer you the best of academics.
One of the few universities in India that hosts a fully-equipped world-class Research Instruments facility. You will have the opportunity to pursue the best of research in the leading areas of all sciences.
Further Information
Our Admissions Policy, FAQs and ways to reach out to our admissions team.

Base all education efforts on building up the character of students and then you can confidently think of raising on it the superstructure of curricula, etc. Pupils must know the secrets of a happy life and of happy co-operation with other members of the community.
Sri Sathya Sai Baba
Revered Founder Chancellor, SSSIHL