Role of Combined Drug (HCQ and BCG Vaccination) Intervention and its Efficacy in Reducing COVID-19 Infection

Identifying the Issue
a) While there are many vector-host models developed to study the spread of COVID-19 at population level, there are very few works done to understand the interplay of the immune response and the virus particles in the body. None of the current models developed has studied the role and efficacies of HCQ and BCG Vaccination in reducing COVID-19 burden. Furthermore, these models have not considered explicitly the role of inflammatory mediators such as Cytokines and Chemokine’s released by the body in defending the body against the virus.
b) In this work, a within-host mathematical model is developed and optimal control problem is framed to study the role and efficacies of HCQ and BCG Vaccination in reducing the burden of COVID-19
Objective of the Research
- We propose to study the role and efficacies of HCQ and BCG Vaccination in reducing COVID-19 burden by framing an optimal control problem
- Comparative Effectiveness study is also done to support the results obtained in optimal control problem
- Both the above can help to understand the dynamics and control SARS-Cov-2 virus in a better way
Who should read this?
Anyone in the field of Academics and research, working in areas of Mathematics, Bio-Mathematics, Mathematical Modelling, and also Doctors, especially Physicians
In this work, we consider two scenarios involving the administration of HCQ and BCG vaccine. The findings of these studies include the following: the average infected cell count and viral load decreased the most when both the HCQ and BCG interventions were applied together in both scenarios. On the other hand, the average susceptible cell count decreased the best when HCQ alone was administered in both these scenarios. The basic reproduction number and viral count decreased the best when HCQ and BCG booster interventions were applied together, reinstating the fact obtained earlier in the optimal control setting.
Key Features and Benefits
- It is observed that the viral load decreased the most when both the HCQ and BCG interventions were applied together. This could help doctors and physicians to look for combination therapy as one of the alternatives to stop the multiplication of virus in the body
- The basic reproduction number and viral count decreased the best when HCQ and BCG booster interventions were applied together
- The work presented in this paper could enhance our understanding of complex interplay of immune response and virus particles in the body
- It can help physicians with decision making in the treatment of life-threatening COVID-19 pneumonia
- Bishal Chhetri, Department of Mathematics and Computer Science, Sri Sathya Sai Institute of Higher Learning, India
- D K K Vamsi, Department of Mathematics and Computer Science, Sri Sathya Sai Institute of Higher Learning, India
- Bhanu Prakash, Department of Mathematics and Computer Science, Sri Sathya Sai Institute of Higher Learning, India
- Carani B Sanjeevi, Vice-Chancellor, Sri Sathya Sai Institute of Higher Learning, India
Paper Published In: Advances in Dynamical Systems and Application, Volume 16, no. 1, 369-403
Title: “Combined Drug Interventions and its Efficacy in the Reduction of COVID-19 Burden: A Within-Host Modelling Study with reference to HCQ and BCG Vaccination”
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