Sri B Venkatramana has a great passion for teaching, specializing in Computer Science. He is actively involved in research work apart from his full-time teaching duties.
He graduated from the Osmania University in 1996 with a B.Sc. Comp.Science. He pursued his Masters in Computer Science from the Osmania University and then completed his M.Tech. Comp.Science from the Allahabad University. He joined as an Assistant Professor at the Dept. of Computer Science (MCA), Matrusri Institute of PG Studies, Hyderabad in 2001. He was then promoted to Associate Professor in the same department in the year 2007 and was head of the department from 2010 to 2014.
He joined the Department of Mathematics & Computer Science (DMACS) at SSSIHL in the year 2014. He is currently the Associate Head, DMACS, and Director of the Nandigiri Campus, SSSIHL.
Areas of Teaching
Computer Networks, Distributed Systems, Cryptography and Security, Blockchain
Research Interests
Developing a model for data governance on Blockchain, Understanding Blockchain technology and identifying the application areas of Blockchain