Hundreds of budding scientists from ten high schools in and around Prasanthi Nilayam (including Sri Sathya Sai Primary School and Sri Sathya Sai Higher Secondary School), along with SSSIHL students, put together an outstanding display of creative Science projects in celebration of National Science Day on 28 February 2020.

National Science Day 2020

The day kicked off with an inspiring speech by Prof. (Dr.) C B Sanjeevi, Vice-Chancellor, SSSIHL, who started with an ode to Sir C V Raman (who inspired the National Science Day in India) and spoke on how lifestyle changes can mitigate many a modern disease, such as diabetes. He also elaborated on the hardships and sacrifices that Nobel laureates of the past (such as Joseph Murray and Barry Marshall) went through for the benefit of mankind.

Visiting students also got a tour of SSSHIL Central Research Instruments Faculty (CRIF).

The happy day ended with a prize distribution ceremony for the best Science projects.